There are no proper payments given to the sales agents working for Crescent Processing Company and this issue has been presented for some time now. It's either that the payments were always lesser than what is needed, or that these are release on a late date. There should be a further study on payment methods and processes between the company and their employees.
The laptop given to the sales agent after being employed will be used for work purposes. This laptop is a necessity; it is where all the information that the sales agent needs out on the field is stored. For security reasons on the side of the company, sales agents are required to do a deposit of 0 for the laptop.
However, the agent is given a choice to pay the entire amount or have installments. To make it easier on the sales agent, Crescent Processing Company instead deducts from the agent’s first 12 sales. Therefore, the amounts of the 12 sales are always lacking with as deposit partial payments.
There may be an existing misunderstanding on this particular concept, especially during the first salary payments for the sales agents. There are actually some who would prefer not having the laptop because of its costs. However, the company chooses to provide laptops to its agents instead of letting them use their own because of security reasons; all merchant sign-ups and transactions are done through the laptops for easier tracking for the merchants’, agents’, and company’s protection.
Another complaint that people say regarding the payment procedures of Crescent Processing Company is that the checks are not released on time. The payments usually arrive late and the sales agents are usually very disappointed. They are questioning why their checks do not arrive on time.
Is the company really delaying the payment due its sales agents? Why are the checks not being released on time, as many agents have experienced? We need to consider a lot of factors that affect this.
There is a commission given for each closed sale that sales agents are able to generate. Thus, they expect to receive payment within 1 to 3 business days when the sale was closed. There is never an automatic processing for the commissions earned by the agents and they usually don't know this fact.
Applying as an independent sales agent of Crescent Processing Company also includes a brief but concise explanation regarding how they are paid. The agents will be informed that the processing of the checks will be done after some time. After the business is already activated on the services that they are availing, the commissions for the agents are then started for processing.
Despite the agents' knowledge regarding the matter, agents would still fail to take note of the detail entailed for the deduction on laptop deposits. Through this, they would often results to a persistent way of asking why the checks are delayed or insufficient. The activation of the merchant's account is the primary factor that determines the start of the processing for the agent's commissions.
So one could really grab the idea that all the complaints against Crescent Processing Company are all shallow and false. Others seem to judge the company without knowing the side of the company. So it is important to know all the information about the company, so you would come to a better judgment.
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